Building a grassroots campaign from the start
I am so humbled by the support and the kind notes and comments that I have gotten since I announced my campaign for Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor. Thank you.
I am running to fight for good jobs and fair pay, reducing inequality and poverty, and standing up against attacks on our diverse and inclusive American values. If you did not see it, here is my statement on why I’m running.
I have worked on a number of campaigns over the years, and I have noticed that the best campaigns are the ones that are genuinely inclusive, grassroots campaigns from the start. They are campaigns that respect, empower, and include volunteers. And they are campaigns that listen, and know that the campaign is about more than the candidate. That is the kind of campaign I want to build here.
A number of you have asked how you can help. There are really five things we need right now: (1) help organizing locally; (2) donations/help fundraising; (3) help spreading the word; (4) some people who can volunteer right away to help me build out a statewide campaign; and (5) ideas.
Help organizing locally: if you are interested in helping me build out a grassroots campaign across Massachusetts, please sign up to volunteer at the link on (and check the volunteer check box) and please spread the word in your community. It’s a really big state and the best way to run a grassroots campaign is to organize at the local level. We will need to collect signatures, organize for caucuses, organize for the convention, and then build out a statewide operation for the primary and general. I want this to be a truly grassroots and inclusive campaign from the start, and I could really use your help to get that started across the state.
Donations/Help Fundraising: I do not have a pre-existing war chest or SuperPAC supporting me on this campaign. We are going have to raise money quickly to build out a statewide campaign. We are going to be a scrappy and efficient grassroots campaign, and any amount that you can give or help me raise — whether it is $27 or $1000 — will really help me get my campaign off to a good start. You can donate here: Also, if you are willing to co-host a house party or help reach out to friends, please leave a comment on our Facebook page
Help Spreading the Word: I would love to have your help spreading the word about our campaign. Please like my page on Facebook Quentin Palfrey (and invite your friends to like it) and please share posts. Also, please follow me on Twitter @qpalfrey (and retweet).
Volunteering: if you have time/energy/interest in volunteering for the campaign right now as we get going, or if you know people who are interested in getting engaged in a progressive campaign as a super-volunteer, please leave a comment on our Facebook page We have a terrific campaign manager and some great advisors and supporters, but there is a ton to do, and we can use all the help we can get as we get going.
Ideas: this is a campaign of ideas focused on poverty and inequality and good jobs. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas, and help build out our policy positions together. I plan to spend much of the next year traveling the state and listening to what is on people’s minds. I would love your help learning as much as I can about what is working, and where we need fresh ideas and new directions.
Thank you!
Fired up. Ready to go.