Meet Quentin Palfrey

Quentin Palfrey
3 min readSep 24, 2017


Throughout his career in government, law, and non-profit management, Quentin has been a leader in fighting poverty and inequality, expanding access to good jobs and fair pay, and standing up for consumers. His breadth of experience and dedication to improving the lives of others make him the right choice for Lieutenant Governor.

Quentin worked with President Obama to support innovation and create jobs as Senior Advisor for Jobs & Competitiveness in the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy and Deputy General Counsel for Strategic Initiatives at the US Department of Commerce from 2009 to 2013.

At the White House, Quentin led a broad range of initiatives to increase American competitiveness, including serving as lead White House policy staffer on a successful patent reform effort that led to the signing of the America Invents Act. He also coordinated White House input into a report to Congress on the national strategy for innovation and competitiveness, and was involved in a wide range of other initiatives including the launch of Patents for Humanity and the re-launch of the Privacy & Civil Liberties Oversight Board.

Prior to working in the Obama administration, Quentin served as chief of the Healthcare Division in the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office. There, he played a key role in important policy decisions relating to implementation of Massachusetts landmark health reform law, spearheaded important consumer protection efforts, and oversaw multi-million dollar litigation and investigations against insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare providers. He also served as the Attorney General’s representative on the Council on Racial Disparities, the Board of Directors of the Betsy Lehman Center for the Prevention of Medical Errors, and the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Rehabilitation.

Most recently, Quentin served as Executive Director of J-PAL North America, the poverty lab at MIT that is dedicated to using rigorous research to fight poverty and inequality in North America. At J-PAL North America, Quentin led efforts to improve the efficacy of social programs in the areas of health care, education, housing, criminal justice reform, and economic mobility. Quentin stepped down as Executive Director of J-PAL North America to run for Lieutenant Governor.

Quentin grew up in Southborough and now lives in Weston with his wife Anna and three wonderful children. When he is not campaigning or working to fight poverty and expand economic opportunity, Quentin spends most of his time playing pick-up soccer, watching the Red Sox and Patriots, and relaxing with his family on Cape Cod.

Find out more and join Quentin’s campaign for Lieutenant Governor at

Photo Credit: Kat Newland Photography, 2017



Quentin Palfrey

Former Sr Advisor Obama White House OSTP; @massago alum; 2018 Dem nominee for Lt. Gov in MA