Trump’s Friends are Baker’s Friends, Too
Governor Charlie Baker tells voters that he’s not like Donald Trump. He claims he didn’t even vote for president in 2016, the most important election in recent history.
But a few weeks ago, Baker endorsed Donald Trump’s Massachusetts campaign co-chairman, Geoff Diehl, for U.S. Senate. Every vote counts in this Senate, a fact that’s all too clear during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings. But Baker endorsed a Senate candidate who would be a reliable vote for Trump’s nominees like Kavanaugh, Scott Pruitt, Betsy DeVos, and Jeff Sessions, as well as for Trump’s agenda to repeal Obamacare, fund the wall, repeal climate regulations, enact tax cuts for the rich, and coddle the NRA.
Yesterday, Baker gave a keynote address at an event for the Log Cabin Republicans in Washington, D.C. and said nice-sounding things about LGBTQ+ rights. But his remarks didn’t mention that just last month, Baker hosted a fundraiser for Jim Lyons, one of the most anti-LGBTQ+ members of the Massachusetts legislature. Lyons opposes equal marriage, transgender protections, and a woman’s right to choose. Lyons is one of the most vocal opponents of Question 3. How can does Baker claim that he supports LGBTQ+ rights, while at the same time raising money for people who want to take us backwards on one of the most important civil rights issues of our time?
Despite sometimes talking the talk against gun violence and reluctantly signing bills supported by veto-proof majorities in the legislature, Baker appointed the head of the Gun Owner’s Action League (Massachusetts’ NRA affiliate) to a senior position in his administration — while GOAL was suing Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey over the assault weapon’s ban.
Baker’s Lieutenant Governor, Karyn Polito, fought against equal marriage, sided with anti-abortion groups, and received perfect ratings from the NRA and GOAL when she was a state legislator.
Baker is responsible for nominating Massachusetts judges, including justices for the Supreme Judicial Court, where five out of the seven members are now his appointees. Earlier this year, the SJC struck down the fair share amendment, which would have allowed Massachusetts to raise the revenue it needs to invest in transportation and education. With the U.S. Supreme Court taking us backwards on women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, voting rights, immigrants’ rights, and worker’s rights, Baker’s reelection would mean the Massachusetts courts would continue to become more and more conservative.
With help from the national Republican party, right wing donors, utility companies, and fossil fuel interests, Baker & Polito have amassed a huge war chest. And they are spending it every day on a never-ending stream of pleasant-sounding television and digital ads that portray Baker & Polito as moderates, rarely even mentioning that Baker is a Republican. But keep in mind — Baker’s donors would not be bankrolling his campaign if they didn’t expect to get something in return.
With Donald Trump taking us backwards every day, Massachusetts deserves bold leaders who consistently stand up for civil rights, women’s rights, environmental protection, sensible gun regulations, and investments in transportation and education — not just when it’s politically convenient. That’s why I’m proud to be running with Jay Gonzalez. Jay will always do the right thing for our people and our Commonwealth.
Quentin Palfrey is the Democratic nominee for Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor, running with Jay Gonzalez. You can learn more about his campaign at